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15 2024

JFS - Newlywed Couples Workshop

6:00PM - 8:00PM  

Jewish Family Service of Greater Dallas, 5402 Arapaho Rd. Dallas, TX 75248

Contact Beth Broodo

The Newlywed Couples Workshop is specifically created for newlyweds (couples married under 5 years), couples who are in a long engagement, and couples who feel that they could use some relationship tools to enhance their marriage.

John Gottman, a American psychologist and renowned expert in marital stability and relationship analysis, has provided valuable insights into building stronger relationships.

Since 2006, Beth Broodo, MS, LPC, RYT, has worked with JFS to help individuals and couples by facilitating groups to enhance relationships. In 2014, Beth received training from John Gottman (level 1) at UTSW, and has since been leading Couples Workshops based on his research and teachings.

The 6-week educational course will meet on Wednesdays at Jewish Family Service from 6:00-8:00pm on the following dates: May 15, May 22, May 29, June 5, June 12

To learn more information or to sign up for the course, please visit our website at

Or fill out the google form here: